Knight Errant officer slain Downtown!

NEWSNET SPECIAL BULLETIN! Posted 11:10:41/02-17-72 Detective John Guilder, a member of Knight Errant’s Special Crimes Task Force, was found dead yesterday in a back alley in downtown Seattle. He was shot in the head, execution style. Sources say that Detective Guilder...

Knight Errant Cracks Down on Organized Crime

KSAF STREAMING NEWSFEED – @17:32:01/02-010-72 In the last year, crime in Seattle has dropped 32%, due in no small part to the vigorous efforts of the city’s new law enforcement company, Knight Errant, who came in with something to prove last year after Governor...

Happy New Year, Seattle!

SHADOWSEA Political Year in review—1 January 2072 SEATTLE, UCAS: It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by since we last said those words. What’s happened in the last year or so in the Emerald city? Well, some would say more of the same: There was...