Session 36: Fuck Skullport

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’, and eventually ends up in Skullport. The party finds it’s bearings on the shore of the great Sargauth River… a slow moving, brackish body of water,...

Session 35: Curses!

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’. The party rests for a short while, after the big fight with the drow torturers. Mantis and Shining Brow take a look at some of the treasure that they’ve found,...

Session 34: A New Challenger Approaches

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’. The group pauses to rest and identify some new treasures, before setting out once again.  They head north and find a rotting human corpse stripped of its gear. The...

Session 33: Doors and Locks and Drow

The party continues to explore the second level of Undermountain, the ‘Arcane Chambers’. Tang Wu takes the lead, as the passages wind through Undermountain.  Ahead of the group, he sets off a trap, and a massive boulder painted like an eyeball begins to...

Session 31: Walk Around in Circles

The party continues to explore the first level of Undermountain, the ‘Dungeon Level’. The party rests in the tiny hut, and Tygorr keeps watch. After what must be a few hours, the door to the large room opens, and in tromps an old man with long, bedraggled...