The rest of the trip goes uneventfully. We arrive back at the Dangreena River Inn to find it closed, shuttered and guarded. We approach the door, and are ‘invited’ inside. We are met by armed assailants, who have the bartender at knifepoint. They have an offer to make us… they want the box. Qui manages to get the bartender freed, and starts negotiating a price for the box.

Meanwhile, Fraeiyn has snuck in the back door and find 3 assassins in the kitchen. The priest of Bane demands that we bring the box. Rob manages to distract one of them, and attacks! The party quickly presses the advantage, and after a quick battle they are slain… but one escapes. We quickly search the inn, and find counterfeit gold in their rooms. The guards arrive, we explain the situation, and they take the thief in hand.

The Captain has sent word… we are to report to Dock 9, Bay 4… the Marlin. Upon the way, we are confronted by Havilath and a moon elf named ‘Trevor’. They taunt us, the move along.

We arrive at dock 9, and present the captain with the box. The captain sheds some light on it’s contents… the weapons come from Lantan, an isle of Gnomes on the tip of the Sword Coast. She proposes hiring us to investigate. We accept. It’ a 6 day trek to Lantan.

Two days out at sea we see smoke in the distance. It’s another ship, aflame (or formerly aflame). We tack towards it. Once there we board the ship. It’s quiet, and still. It’s apparent to Rob that the ship was taken by Sahuagin. We make our way into the hold to find two locked doors to the crew quarters. Qui and Lord Big Britches kick open the door, and it’s filled with Zombies! We manage to defeat the zombies quickly, but there’s noise from above decks… a keening, screeching sound. We emerge to see three Sahuagin Priestesses floating above the water. From what they’re saying, it sounds like they’re summoning the dead to rise up and take our ship!