So, we’re up at the top of a volcano. We confirm that there are somewhere around 20-30 warriors at the peak, and twice as many slaves. As we’re scouting, we decide to skirt the village, but somehow the bad guys are using flying dinosaurs as mounts and they’ve spotted us! We find a defensible spot on the plateau, and wait for them to come to us. A short ,but bloody battle follows, and we emerge victorious. We move into the village, to find it deserted. Our quarry has moved to the island at the center of the lake.

We make our way over… swimming, mounted on a dinosaur, and floating on barrels. There we find Trevor, a magic user, and a giant robot bear. Again, we fight and win.

The party moves towards the center of the island, and there we finally find Havilat, about to drop explosives into the dormant volcano and re-activate it! We fire on him, and flee as the mountain erupts. We barely manage to escape, and re-board the ship.