Session 8: Shit Blows Up

We open a chest to find a map. A Tortle climbs out of the sand to greet us, introduce this land as the ‘Isle of Dread’, and then hide in the sand again. We are attacked by 3 dinosaurs, and kill them. Rob speaks with a few fish, and finds out that...

Session 7: The Demonkey!

We dock in the capitol city of Avarua, in Rarotonga. The Commodore throws a feast for us at the Amnish embassy. While there, the Governor hires us to head out of town, and fight a wizard, who’s set up 3 days ride out of town and started charging tolls on the...

Session 5: The Key District

We arrive at the Key district, and easily find Lane 26, warehouse 13. We quickly enter the warehouse (unseen?) Upon entering, Booth and Rob hide, while Lord Tarimikos enters and announces himself. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Orgott calls out from the...

Session 4: Lantan, Ho!

We pick up right where we left off, three Sahuagin priestesses have risen from the waves, and have threatened to raise the dead to overtake our ship! We fight the priestesses, and the other sahuagin that the summon. Once we regroup on the ship, the captain casts off...