Age: 36 Gender ID: Male
Weight: 54kg Height: 1.2m
Eyes: Brown Hair: Sandy
Metatype: Dwarf Awakened? No
Primary Role: Social Engineering / Negotiations
Secondary Role: Demolitions


>> Local boy done good. Can’t believe he started out just running numbers. The Halfer’s a good soldier. 

>> Giusseppe 

>> Begin InfoDump:::||

>> Multi-lingual. No criminal record on flagged SIN. Facial recognition places at suspected site of Renraku research facility bombing. Tagged entering Seattle Metro Pistol shooting range, pistol proficiency assumed. 

>> End ||::: CO: Isomer

>> Solid, versitile. He can talk, shoot, blow shit up, fix an engine…The guy’s got a little bit of everything. Too bad he grew up in the mob.

>> Cooper

Personal Commentary:

Look. we all know that you’ve got a budget for this job, and it’s higher than what you’re quotin’ me. You start low, I start high, we go back and forth and eventually settle on a number in the middle. Why don’t you and I save some time and settle on an additional 2K a head, no more negotiations. It’s fair, and you can tell your folks that you really raked us over the coals, ‘kay?

Roleplaying Notes:

Russian or Italian descent. Speaks with an accent.