
My travels have been varied and challenging of late and I have not been able to write. I have continued to walk The Path and seek enlightenment.

With these words though…I feel I am placing a veil on that which we have always sought. In all my learnings as a novice, it was never clear what we were fighting against. Just a general darkness…something ill defined, but against what you always taught as the natural order of things.

Something has happened to remove the scales from my eyes. I have seen the otherside, the torturous demonic hell of Asmodeus. A plane of pure evil. I looked upon this desolate demonscape…and survived.

It is true I have been marked, as if the hand of Asmodeus himself reached out to brand me. It is difficult to know if this mark is permanent, though one of my companions assures me it is, and that it is a mark of power.

I have strayed from The Path before, and it may be I need to do so again. Perhaps the only True Path is one that encompasses all Paths. This is what I must explore to find…no, to know when I have found The Way. All roads must lead to enlightenment and I must therefore explore this dark road.

If what you have taught me is true, even this part of The Path will bring knowledge of the world and knowledge of the self. Only time will tell, for there are many gods, and many paths that must be explored.

Your student,
Tang Kamma Wu