
It has been a great while since I left the gates of our home to find fortune in the larger world. I am constantly tested to meet my mission and find that which will benefit the abby, both holistically and financially.

I have fallen in with new companions. They are of… interesting mettle. A fighter of human origin, a news bard who is half elven, like myself, a tiefling librarian who should be brighter but can swing a sword, and a cat person.

I fear that in my quest for financial gain for the abby I have met with limited success. The road winds and some turns wish to tempt me away from my goal. This is how we came to be owner of an inn. It may be haunted. I find myself downhearted as I have not kept to the path and found the Way of the Hand.

It seems spreading the word of our monastery is difficult. My phrases of philosophical portents seem to go ignored or misunderstand. It’s clear my new companions are far from willing to learn any Way.

I will persevere and I hope to find justice in and good in the lost lives of the evil things that prevent those seeking the path.

Your student,

Tang Kamma Wu