Welcome to Los Angeles, City of Angels… or, as the locals call it, the LA Sprawl. The LA of 2076 is much different than it was just a few years ago. Two massive quakes that hit early in 2069 and brought Angel Town to its knees. The magical phenomenon known to locals as ‘the Fall’ and the tsunami that followed allowed the waters to claim about 80 percent of the city. But still, there’s a lot of action in Fun City… and the proximity to Vegas, Cal Free and Aztlan means that there’s always work for someone willing.

Unless you want to make LA a part of your back story, the characters are ‘recent arrivals’ to the area when the campaign begins. As such, the local shadow communities initially see them as neutral parties, with little or no tie to the local culture.

The initial character lineup can be found on the Character Matrix. Since there’ll be backups and death and whatnot, I’m resurrecting that sucker.

Feel free to make an account for the site if you want, to comment on news or log entries (either in or out of character, whatever you guys want).