A-694 – ‘Clash of the Titans Earth’

The team closes the portal behind them, and looks around to see that they are standing in an arena, surrounded by men dressed as gladiators. They are surrounded by a huge crowd, and a plinth stands on one side with a royal retinue seated on it. The crowd looks stunned. Standing before them is a man in robes, with his back turned to them, gesticulating wildly. The man turns around, and it turns out that it’s… Barry? Apparently, there’s some confusion about what’s actually going on. The king thinks that this ‘new-Barry’ summoned the group from hell?!

The king demands the group captured, and they are tied up and imprisoned. After a short scuffle, the group escapes and makes there way into the town. There, ‘new-Barry’ leads them to a hiding place… the bolt hole of a cult that he’s a member of. The team is suspicious… especially since they are the ‘cult of the horned god’.

After a day of hiding the groups successfully escapes the city, ‘new-Barry’ in tow. They find a portal on the edge of the city, and activate it, leaving Barry behind.


The team emerges into a small room, with sounds of gunfire coming from outside. The door opens, and a woman in military garb strolls into the room.

She addresses the group: “Father Eli, I’m glad you’re here. We’ve got work to do.”

End – Season 1