17 April 2074 – Ushuaia, Argentina – Fear on in Tierra del Fuego was sparked yesterday when five Evo scientists turned up dead in an alley outside of an Evo Bio-Medical research facility. Evo has assured the public that this situation in Ushuaia – which has swelled to over two million people with refugees from the Buenos Aires and Pampas areas – is not analogous to the one that occurred last year in Sapporo. “These brave men and women were killed by gunfire. In cold blood. While this is tragedy, it is nothing to fear,” said an Evo spokesperson.

The scientists, working on radiation medication, had fled the lab when fire alarm went off. Security cameras show armed men in fatigues gun down the scientists, take their access cards, and break into the facility. Evo reports over 500,000 nuyen in experimental anti-radiation drugs were stolen.

– reporting provided by Bonita Velazquez -Gomez of the La Prensa Nuevo de Ushuaia