Run #8: Sleep Dealers

Date: May 19th, 2071 Location: Long Island, NY Mr. Johnson: Mara Blaine Team: Crash, E, Firebeard, Hammer, Keaira, Lou, William Mayne Overview: The team is hired to track down a lost girl in Long Island. The trail leads to a construction company who may, or may not,...

Run #7: Follow the Leader

Date: May 6th, 2071 Location: New York City Mr. Johnson: Zhang Wong Team: Crash, Hammer, Keiara, William Mayne Overview: The team is hired to play ‘follow the leader’ with a local smuggler and provide information to the local Triad. Rewards: 3 Karma,...


NewsNOW newsfax [NN]—12 May 2071 Manhattan—Gang gunfire cut down and killed 6 yesterday, including a local father of five who was visiting relatives in Queens officials said Monday. Steven Georgiadis, 34, of Newark died Sunday about 9:30 p.m. in front of Happenstance...

Run #6: It Happens

Date: May 5th, 2071 Location: New York City Mr. Johnson: Soon Shan Team: Crash, Hammer, Keiara, Red Beard, William Mayne Overview: The team is hired to attend a meeting at a local bar and ‘keep their eyes and ears open’. Rewards: 1 Karma, ¥500...