Date: October 15-25, 2073

Location: Zurich Orbital, Low Earth Orbit – Olympia Lunar Base, The Moon

Mr. Johnson: Williamson, Ares Aerospace

Team: Achilles, Hawkeye, Jack Gold, Mad Dog, Orahn the Red, Tall Boy

Containment Interview with Patient 274:

“We get call. They say, ‘go to moon,’ find out why no information coming. We say, ‘ok’.

We go to Zurich Orbital. Things go very bad here. Someone try to kill us. We no take air bus to moon. That air bus explode, and we say, ‘thank the stars.’ My guns! I don’t know where they go. We get new bus to moon. This run already not worth the money.

Then, we get to moon, and, no response from Olympia. We say, ‘OK, let’s go to base, and check things out out.’ We have space suits on, and so we get in rover and go to base.

Very spooky at base. Everyone dead. Nothing moving. We go down some levels. Everyone very nervous. We hear noise.

Doc says, ‘if somebody dying, I must help them.’

We say, ‘that dumb.’

He go, and then we see many guns. I try to go and save the doc and some horned-devil with gun arm shoot me. He puncture my suit.

Someone say, ‘put down guns.’

We say, ‘who the hell you?’

I grab doc, and run up stairs to landing, and we safe. But, my suit ripped.

They say, ‘you can’t go.’

We say, ‘who the hell you?’

They say, ‘you got plague. We no let plague leave moon.’

We think a minute, then, we say, ‘why you not dead?’

They say, ‘we don’t know, maybe from we horned-devil and pointy eared scum.’

‘Oh,’ we say, ‘well, our suit not ripped, we safe.’

‘Not me,’ I say, ‘I ripped.’

‘Me too, but I’m a freaky green skin ape, so I ok,’ Ohran say.

‘Well, you screw,’ they say me, and everyone get leave base, but I get poke, and test, and trap, and screen, and I get lock in box for month now.

And now, you want know how I feel. Get me my gun and I tell you right way I feel!”

Dr. Schirk: “Yes, but how about your abdomen? Do you feel cramping or soreness?”

Patient 274: “No. I want to shoot someone, but my body fine. You let me go now?”

– Interview #79, patient 274, ‘Mad Dog’, 11-21-2073: 27 days post exposure