As you requested, here is my interpretation of the situation. Since Agent Vladimir did not submit regular reports of his dealings in the field, this is merely my opinion of the situation, as I see it. Granted, it is backed up by several key factual pieces of data, and has been corroborated by ASI.

As you know doubt know, Agent Vladimir had been working on bringing this particular group inside for a multi-year contract as ‘captured’ assets. This has worked for us in the past, and is somewhat industry-standard for the situation this group was tagged for. Apparently in this case Agent Vladimir either misjudged or underestimated this particular group. Vladimir was well known for his strong-arm tactics, and this time it came back to bite him.

Vladimir seemed to have two primary reasons for bringing this group into the organization:

  1. The re-claiming of operative Pytor Kirilovich Bezukhov. Bezukhov’s personnel file is attached. You’ll see that a substantial investment was made into this asset, and while the file had been marked as ‘burned’, Vladimir believed that he could convince him to return to the fold.
  2. In his typical style, Agent Vladimir mixed his pet projects. Several weeks ago volunteer test subject 425 (see attached file “Host Subject 425”) was brought in for study under the resurrected ‘Project Alice’. Project Alice, as you know, was re-started to study possible links between digital intelligences and the AVSP/Virtuakinetic phenomenon. Host Subject 425 was working with Bezukhov, and has been identified as Bu Hao, a Chinese national.

Keeping 425 and her payload close for regular observation of the expected deterioration would have been a plus, in Vladimir’s eyes…especially since neither she, nor Bezukhov’s team were aware of the situation. Putting them into the field ‘blind’ had the possibility of generating a large amount of data in the short time they would have survived, for a very small (and legal) investment. Since they would have operated as independent contractors the actions would have been out of the jurisdiction of the CC.

Vladimir’s intent was for the best, even if his methods were not sound.

Data is beginning to come in from the field teams. I will correlate and send you a summary soon.