Date: Sept 18th-22nd 2073

Location: Los Angeles, Pueblo Corporate Council

Mr. Johnson: Jenny White

Team: Joker, Mad Dog, Orahn the Red, Quicksilver (Taryn)

Dear Brother,

Jenny White hired us for another run for the actress Sophie LeBlanc’s production company. This time we’re to provide ‘security’ for her during some filming in Hollywood. The work began at a cocktail party at her hotel. The doormen were very lax, and let me after just a moment’s conversation. I said hi to Sophie, and she didn’t seem pleased to see me. Not surprising, since her ratings for ‘Combat Mage’ have gone downhill since the first episode when they used footage of me in her place. While I spoke with her some of the team got into an argument with the security force. I had a brief conversation with their security leader and diffused the situation. In fact, he offered to share information with us (and seemed glad for the help honestly. Like I said, the security was quite lax).

We picked up Sophie the next day. She was filming more for ‘Combat Mage’. As I suspected, they wished to use me for her stunt woman again. At least this time they’re being up front about it. The filming was simple mock combat stuff. Almost boring, really.

We returned to the hotel that evening and I went straight to bed. Orahn caused some sort of problem downstairs. I believe that he broke into her room room or tried to beat up a delivery man… I didn’t quite catch exactly what happened when they woke me up. It seems that while I slept someone wired Sophie’s door with explosives and they needed to get Sophie out. I went to the floor above and asked the man there if I could use his balcony. He was very accommodating, and soon we had pulled Sophie and her security chief out of the mess they were in. I brought Sophie upstairs and went back to sleep.

Again, I’m not entirely sure what happened, but while I slept the bomb exploded, and the ‘team’ got into a conflict with the local security force. One of the team members, a new man by the name of Taryn was killed in the explosion. Seeing as I had just met him the day before, and was not even sure why he was added to the team, I did not feel much remorse. He spent the whole time drinking and socializing rather than working, so it was not a big loss.

Mad Dog was ejected from the hotel, and used the opportunity to follow some suspicious people into the crowd. The men turned out to be local triad, and they tried to start something with him. Big mistake. Mad Dog’s reputation is no joke.

Day Three began with a photo op at a local pier, followed by some shooting of the documentary. We broke for lunch, then there was more shooting in the afternoon. Then out of the middle of nowhere that dink Sophie goes and walks into the crowd, unarmed and unescorted. I jumped right after her, and lost the rest of the team in the crowd. As I’ve said, I don’t have a high opinion of their work ethic. I managed to get Sophie to the car and we fled the scene. I think there was a news report about the issue, but I’m not sure. I really don’t follow the news that much.

In the morning, Sophie was ready to leave for the airport, so I escorted her downstairs. She got into her car, but I noticed that her security director Aaron was not there. When I questioned the driver he sped away! Naturally, we pursued onto the highway. I could go into specifics about what happened, but I found out last night that it was another damn covert filming for her damn show. You can see pretty much the whole chase on this week’s ‘Deep Shadow 9’. The only part that’s not in the show is when we pulled Sophie out of the car and left her at the airport.

Either way, I was paid this time, so please buy those earrings for Aunt Lei. I’ve attached some cash to this message. I will be home Thursday, but will be working a few doubles to make up for my time off.

-your sister

Rewards: Each team member received 7 Karma and 9,000 Nuyen.