Over the two week grace period that Vladimir and Evo have provided to the team, they all go their separate ways to get things in order (or to make plans to flee). Most of the team concentrates on BuHao and the unknown hardware in her head. They contact Dr. Yang, and head to his office so that she can be examined. The team determines that the hardware in her memory is some sort of repository for an AI (or more accurately, a kind of proto-AI). With the assistance of D.B., the team manages to extract the AI without harming BuHao.

Meanwhile, Lou has hit the streets looking for a way out of town. He heads to the FiveXFive rigger hangout, and makes some inquiries. He manages to find transport for the team to India, if they want it. The team decides to get together and talk it over before they run. Ultimately, and against some members better judgement, the team decides to take the offer from Evo… though they do take some precautions before they hit the road.

The team arrives at the Evo terminal on time for their meet with Vladimir. Vladimir hands them a briefcase with their initial ‘walking around money’ and they board a private plane headed to Vladivastok.