The team is contacted by an unknown source to do a job. They discover that the client is the Tolo Vory, who they do not get along with, and the target is a local brothel. They were given a data packet and instructions that the target, a local brothel, is to be put out of business by any means necessary.

They pursue a few of the leads from the data packet and investigated the clientele and researched the facilities security and personnel. After some arguments (and two weeks of play) they decided to take out the club’s management and throw the place into turmoil. After a quick hit on the side of the highway. The second, however, quickly holed up within the brothel itself. After a dangerous assault from several angles, the team also put him out of commission.

  • What’s Really Going on: Now that the Tolo Vory have a solid base in Hong Kong, they are starting to flex their muscles a bit. They’re in the middle of winning a turf war with the Kowloon 8 Front and a few of the Tanamous gangs, and have decided to make the Smoke Circle Society their next target. The runners target is the brothel, true, but a few false pieces of information in their packet could cause them to off some of the other competition as well. Either way, it’s a win-win for the Vory.

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  • Karma: 3
  • Cash: ¥4,000 ea.
  • Faction: Tolo Vory +1
    …………..Smoke Circle Society -22…………..Red Dragons -1