Birthdays are weird

Birthdays are weird

And, this picture is amazing.   Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls is also pretty weird, though there is an arcade there that serves beer. I remember video games being much more fun, however. Also, Canadians take karaoke very seriously....

It’s Friday

Long week. Work, recording, lawyer appointments, work, kids, work, work… long week. It’s coming down to the wire in the next few weeks with a lot of things in my life. Summer’s coming to a close, so work’s starting to pick up. My kids are going...
Birthdays are weird

Mother F’n Shark Week.

It’s shark week.   You know what that means. 7 days of fast swimming murder machines. Have you punched a shark in the face today?  

Painting again…

Been about 2 years, but it looks like I’m finally calm enough to paint for more than 10 minutes at a time. I guess time does, indeed, heal all wounds.


As always, my page languishes with a lack of updates. I guess I put all my good shit on Facebook, eh?