Session 26: Got the Blues

The party continues their trek through the famed Blue Alley. After a short rest, the group moves on. As Shining Brow is a bit indecisive, Shazuu takes the lead and moves off down the north hallway. After a few moments, Tang Wu pipes up with a discovery… behind a...

Session 25: Waterdeep Shopping Spree

The party spends their reward, and decides to help an ally. Having recovered the hoard, the party divides the reward and begins to spend some of their hard earned cash.  They are treated to a visit from the Open Lord Laeral Silverhand. Tygorr buys into the ownership...

Session 24: The Gang Gets the Gold

The party continues to delve into the secrets of the Vault to finally find Nevermber’s treasure. The party continues to search the Melairkyn Vault for Neverember’s embezzeled hoard.  Still in the guise of a dwarf, Shining Brow places his palm on the great...

Session 22: I feel, I hear, I see

The party continues their search for the second Eye of the Stone of Golorr on the drow ship, the ‘Eyecatcher’. The party finds themselves standing above a hatch in the bowels of the Eyecatcher. The assumption is that it leads to the underwater vessel...