Those Who Can’t …

An exec at an Ares subsidiary has absconded with certain files from the company’s internal network. The Johnson won’t go into what they are, but provides the team with file signatures that’ll identify the package. It’s on an optical chip, probably at the exec’s house....

Slinging Some Grave Dirt

Bella Valentino has made herself into a problem and needs to die. I’ve got no real requirements past her departure. Then, I need some information placed where it will be found. I’ve assembled some background information on her on this chip, and the...

Who’s law?… THIER LAW!

March: In like a lion, out like a lamb. So far, it’s lambs all around. The weather is cool, the rain is light, and work is slowly starting to pick up. Mr. Johnson connects with the runners in the Matrix, where he offers the job. It’s very simple: 5,000¥ each for...

The Delian Data Tomb

Delian Data Tomb has just gone into receivership. They are located a few blocks away, and currently are being liquidated. I’m willing to pay for one specific bit of information: Who was the recipient of shipping order #81218451? Rewards: 5,000¥ per runner5 Karma per...