Age: Gender ID:
Weight: 135kg Height: 1.8m
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde
Metatype: Human Awakened? Yes
Primary Role: Close Combat Specialist
Secondary Role: Urban Guerilla Tactics


>> Straight up wild man with an axe. You’d think he was an Amarind with them tomahawks, but the guy’s like some sort of Thor knockoff.

>> Jim Vanion

>> No way he’s human. You don’t get to be that tall without some ork or troll blood in you.

>> B.B.

>> Seattle by way of the East Coast. A little birdie told me he tried of for the New York Slashers, but got bounced on some sort of technicality.

>> Giusseppe

Personal Commentary:

Some call me crazy for running into a gun fight with an axe. That doesn’t make me crazy. I enjoy it, and that makes me dangerous!