Age: 25 Gender ID: Male
Weight: 300kg Height: 2.5m
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Metatype: Troll Awakened? No
Primary Role: Heavy Weapons Support
Secondary Role: Close Combat


>> Worked with him once about a year ago. Good in a pinch, or when a loud solution is needed. Generally keeps quiet while the job is on.

>> Cooper

>> You’re kidding, right? Did this guy get kicked in the head as a kid or something? All he wants to talk about is friggin’ cartoons and iced cream. And he yells ‘BANG BANG’ when he lays down fire. Fraggin’ unbelievable.

>> Alexander

>> Not kicked. Shot in the head. Used to run out of town, from what I can peice together. Shit when south on a job, and he didn’t make it. At least his old team had the decency to drop him off at a doc to patch him up. Took some ware and a steel plate, but at least he ain’t a vegetable… and once you get past the ‘Kid Nikki Tech Ninja’ talk, he’s a pretty deep dude.

>> Stubbin’

Personal Commentary:

“I will straight up murder you! You will be a dead man! I will put off your head, shove it on the end of my M202 machine gun, and launch it into the sky! You will be an ex-person. There is no way that rocky road is better than cookies and cream! It’s just the best iced cream there is! Take it back! “