Age: 24 Gender ID: Male
Weight: 62kp Height: 1.65m
Eyes: Yellow Hair: Black
Metatype: Human Awakened? Yes
Primary Role: Magical Support
Secondary Role: Investigations / Recon

>> A competent spellcaster and summoner, as well as an excellent investigator. Been taking ’odd jobs’ on the up and up for years now. He’s a changeling, not baseline human, so he’s got a few extra talents, too.

>> Johnny Wang

>> There something unsettling about this dude. Changelings creep me out.

>> Susie S.S.

>> No, it’s more than that. I met this guy once. Gave me the serious creeps… like there’s just something wrong with him. My dogs wouldn’t go near him either.

>> Jim Vanion

Personal Commentary:

It’s all energy, in the end. People consume and create energy…Create good, you’re a ‘good’ person. Consume ‘bad’, and you’re a bad guy. Magic is energy, too. Me?  Well… I’m just a nasty piece of work. Ask anybody.