The characters have been sent on their merry way, after first coming together at the Yawning Portal, and emerging as ‘the heroes of the day’, as Durnan dubbed them. He’s invited them all back at week’s end, to celebrate with a tankard or two on the house. As we enter the month of Ches, the snows are beginning to melt away, and the weather is starting to warm up. We’re only a few tenday from Spring, and the flurry of activity celebrating it!

A note on the days of the week in the Realms. The Realms primarily follow the Calendar of Harptos. It is split into twelve months, each lasting three tendays (or thirty days). There arean additional five days that fall between months, bringing the total number of days in most years to 365. Days of the week are numbered, not named. ‘Week’s End’ are the last two days of each tenday, traditionally social events occur during week’s end, and many businesses close early on the 8’s to accommodate these.