After some time at sea, the Marlin finally docks in Avura, Rorotonga. The party makes it’s way into town, and spends a few days wandering the town, selling loot, spending money, drinking, and relaxing. Booth gets in a fight, and finds his lady, Fraeiyn tinkers in a local forge, Harold makes some shoes, and the lizard discovers what ‘beer’ and ‘comfort’ is.

After a few days in town, the group is approached by a small genasi child, who tells them of a tragedy at this church. Men with weapons, and red robed figures burned the building, and dragged off the priestess. He asks for help, and the party agrees. In the morning, they investigate the church, and find many bootprints… they looks like guard boot prints. The child believes that a local drunkard might have seen something, so they proceed to the docks to investigate the taverns and find him. Upon interrogating the old man they find out that the guards and red robed figures (Monks? Wizards? Cultists?) came from the Governors keep.

The group takes some time, and tries to decide what to do.