T-354 – ‘Dark Fantasy Earth’

The party takes to the road for many days, and finally arrives at Stonehenge. There, they see the monument surrounded by a great army. After some scouting, the group is noticed and approached by a group of men on horseback who greet them fondly, and bring them in to meet the men in charge. They are introduced to the Prince and his retinue. That night they feast and discuss what lies before them… Barry will give up the secrets of the portal in exchange for the power that he was given. The group feigns fatigue, and requests a day to prepare, which the prince grants them gladly.

The next day, the group scouts the camp and finds nothing really out of the ordinary, but still they are wary. All of the banners are graphic and horrifying. The prince’s people have names that don’t sit quite right with the team. To top it all off, they all speak infernal, and their names sound like those of demons. That night they are treated to another dinner in their honor, and told that the next morning the gate will open.

In the morning, the group makes their way to the henge. Barry attempts to open the portal with his magic, and fails (miserably). The prince notices Mark fiddling with a tablet and demands to know what he’s up to…

At that point, the shit pretty much hits the fan.

Mark opens fire. Eli opens the portal. Someone throws some grenades. Wyatt and Hotblack fire into the crowd, and make their way to the portal. More blows are exchanged. Eli flees into the portal. Mark fires at, and kills Barry, then flees into the portal himself.

The team close the portal.