Date: January 3rd, 2075
Location: Chicago, The CZ
Fixed By: Jimmy Parcells
Mr. Johnson: Quantum Princess
Team: A.D, Gaagé, Peat, Shard
Overview: To enter the Containment Zone and repair some malfunctioning matrix repeaters. While on the job, they receive a call to investigate a facility, and track down a missing person.

6 Karma
¥10,000 per runner
+1 Street Cred
Quantum Princess as a contact, Loyalty 1 (or, +1, if already a contact)
Simon Andrews as a contact, Loyalty 2 (or, +1, if already a contact)
Juan Xihuitl as a contact, Loyalty 1 (or, +1, if already a contact)
Nick Ryder as a contact, Loyalty 1 (or, +1, if already a contact)