Date: January, 2072
Location: Seattle, UCAS
Mr. Johnson: Agular
Team: Friday, Kayto, Slipstitch, Susie $#!+$+خm
Overview: The team is hired to modify a launch weapon prototype while it’s in storage at a local corporate facility.

The following is from a series of SMS messages from Susie $#!+$+Ø®m:

johnson hired 4 of us 2 hit walther bellevue. got 2 meet @penumbra. pretty sweet. teamed with kato, slipstitch, some girl all elf. pay not bad called it milk run

some nerd made broken rpg wanted us 2 do something 2 make it work. had to break in. gave us ids, mag key, plans. cased it, had some ward of some sort

slipstitch and woman went in found nothing. i waited with kato couple blocks away. heard rpg was shipped early. truck it was on hit by crimson crush.

left truck & coppers alone told johnson rpg gone. got paid. asked rat if he heard about rpg 4 sale. called nerd. he wanted it gone.

went to scumpit in redmond 2 deal with crush 2 get rpg. some orc tried 2 pick fight kato blocked me from melting orc face. bummer. made deal.

traded 15 walther p109s 4 rpg, kept some 4 us. will sell mine 2 you. sold rpg back 2 johnson. made some decent coin. staying in biz.

5 karma for completing the run
+2,000¥ each payment
10,000¥ each bonus for recovering prototype
+1 Reputation with Crimson Crush

2 Karma Bonus for Susie for the run writeup