Summer winds begin to turn cool, and Waterdeep’s foilage begins the slow change from green to shades of yellow, orange, red, ang brown. Autumn in the city begins hot and humid, and ends with a chill that promises winter and snow. The wet of late summer washes the buildings of Waterdeep clean, while the Dock Ward and the Field War’s dirt streets quickly turn to mud.


Month of Eleint
Eleint 10th

The Matrons’ Diversion: Society. Over three generations ago, the Matron of House Melshimber invited the matrons of every other House that was led by a woman for a “genteel afternoon of cards and idle conversation”. The ladies showed up in their very best, each with permission to bring along a daughter or niece, for what has become the foremost gathering time for the noble ladies of Waterdhavian society. Matrons take turns hosting these events, and there is tremendous pressure to successfully throw a successful event.

Eleint 21st

Third Feast: The Autumn equinox is a day of worship and celebration for many of Waterdeep’s temples. Festivals of the harvest including dance, song, and most importantly feasting can be found throughout the city.

Brightswords: Civic. On this day, the City Guard, lhe City Navy, and the City Watch- all in glittering array- conduct parades, give demonstrations of martial skill, and stage mock battles.

Society: Generally speaking, the Spring Social Season begins with Fleetswake, when winter has let up enough to allow ships to return to the Waterdhavian harbor. Many noble families return during this week, taking rooms in inns while their servants prepare their estates for re-inhabiting. By the time of the Highcoin, the nobles have mostly all returned.

Eleint 21st

The Pankration: Civic. Another sporting event at the Fields of Triumph, the Pankration is made up of wrestling and boxing matches. Multiple rings are set up in the Field itself, with space between them allowing observers to come down to watch any one of several simultaneous matches up close. At dusk, the Fields clear out, and workers clear out and decorate the grounds. Once full night has settled in, great torches are lit atop the walls of the Fields of Triumph, and a party is thrown within.

High Harvesttide

Higharvestide heralds the coming of fall and the harvest. There is much traveling about on the heels of the feast, as merchants, court emissaries, and pilgrims make speed ere the worst of the mud arrives and the rain freezes in the snow. Waterdhavian nobles have taken to organize hunting retreats from the city.

Month of Marpenoth
Marpenoth 7th

Stoneshar: Stoneshar is an all-faiths day during which folk strive not to be idle. Even children at play are encouraged to dig holes, build sand castles, or construct crude models. The common wisdom is that folk who undertake new projects on Stoneshar can expect blessings upon their works in the coming year.

Marpenoth 10th

Day of Misrule: This day honors Beshaba, goddess of misfortune. People of the city are expected to break trust, belie oaths, and disobey the normal order- as long as no laws are actually broken and no rift is made that can’t be later bridged. Pranks are played by and on many, from simple tricks to those requiring elaborate planning. Sundown brings an end to the festivities, and most folk spend much of the night cleaning and reordering things for the following day.

Marpenoth 15th

God’s Day: This holiday observes the anniversary of the end of the Godswar in 1358 DR, when the gods of Faerun returned to the heavens. A Gods’ Day tradition in Waterdeep strictly limits the use of magic, in remembrance of the wild magic wrought during the Time of Troubles. At night, this holiday becomes solemn and serious, as many Waterdavians offer prayers in thanks for the lives they have under their gods.

Marpenoth 30th

Liar’s Night: This holy day pays tribute to Leira and Mask. To placate those deities and ward away their attention, folk of all walks of life don masks and costumes (magical or mundane) to disguise themselves and play at being other than what they are. Tricks and pranks of all kinds are common on this night, and folk expect lies and foolishness. By custom, no deals are made nor contracts signed on Liar’s Night, because no one trusts that parties will abide by them.

Month of Uktar

Selune’s Hallowing: On whatever night in Uktar the moon is fullest, Waterdavians celebrate Selune’s Hallowing. The major ceremony on this night is a parade of worshipers leaving the House of the Moon at moonrise and moving down to the harbor, where the high priestess wields the Wand of the Four Moons in a ceremony blessing all navigators. This holy relic miraculously appeared in Waterdeep after the Godswar, and has since been the focus of many divine signs. You can view it in the House of the Moon at other times of the year, but only from a well-guarded distance.

Uktar 20th

Last Sheaf: Sometimes called “The Small Feast,” this day of residential feasting is held in celebration of the year’s bounty. Small gifts (traditionally hand kegs of ale, jars of preserves, or smoked fish and meats) are exchanged among neighbors, and “last letters” are gathered for carriage by ship captains and caravan merchants- so called because they are the last to leave the city before travel becomes difficult.