Level 5:  The Wyllowwood


The Wyllowwood (or Wyllow’s Wood, depending who you ask) is one of the sub-levels of the Twisted Caverns and the 5th overall level of Undermountain. It is a magically-created temperate forest, encircled by the River of the Depths. The domain was engineered by the “Mad Mage” Halaster Blackcloak, to resemble the surface world, complete with changing seasons, imported animals, and a wide-open, sky that perfectly displays the stars and the moon as they appear over Toril. 

Physical Makeup:

The Wyllowwood is thought to be a magical construct of the Mad Mage, Halaster Blackcloak, and not a true portal to the surface for one reason… the stillness. Those that have been there describe it as a perfectly normal forest, but with one exception. No natural gusts of wind or breeze that can be felt. Wyllowwood is warm during the day, as if it was basking in the rays of the sun, and as cold as can be expected during the night. 

The beaches of the River of the Depths are quite narrow and comprised small stones and pebbles. The trees nearest its waters are among the largest in Wyllowwood, with their tangled branches forming a thick canopy that extend beyond the water’s edge. The forest of Wyllowwood is a lush and inviting locale. It has at least two canopies, the larger of which stands over 80 feet tall. The second, somewhat smaller canopy is more dense, comprising a mix of both deciduous and coniferous species of temperate trees. Fruiting bushes, shrubs, and flowering plants can also commonly be found.

Rumors and Other Info

“Deep in the Wyllowwod is a plain marble fountain who’s water heals all wounds, removes all curses, and grants eternal youth!”

“Spellcasters beware! Magic is finicky down in the Wood. One minute it works, the next it doesn’t. It’s said that Halaster broke the weave making the forest, so that the witch Wyllow wouldnt’ be able to escape!”

“The stone complex to the south is a sprawling mess of rooms, caves, and hallways… perfect residence for a herd of Minotaurs. Keep your wits about you, for their leader is a massive beast.”