The campaign log for the 2019 ‘Waterdeep’ DnD5e campaign. Entries appear in order, from newest to oldest. Feel free to make an account for the site if you want, to comment on news or log entries (either in or out of character, whatever you guys want). 

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Session 38: The Lobster Quadrille

As the mental shriek begins to fade, the party marches out, led by Shazuu.  They pass into a cave filled shallow water, it’s flood covered in stalactites that have all been broken off just above the water line. The walls are covered in primitive cave paintings of fish people worshiping some giant creature with tree trunk shaped legs and tentacles hanging from its face. The chamber seems to have been a seating area for the troglodytes.  Shazuu leads on into the northern passage, which opens to a crossroads of sorts. They choose the southern route, which passes through another unremarkable cave, and leads back to the oily river.

The party crosses the water to a sandy bank, and continues north, through a tunnel. The passage rises rapidly, then suddenly descends.  Shazuu slips on the muddy ground, sliding in the mud into a larger cave covered in black, stinking mud. Ten or twelve troglodyte and fish-man corpses are piled in the middle of the room.

Tang Wu slips and slides into the cave a moment later, crashing into Shazuu. Alabaster repeats the process, slamming into Tang Wu.  Mist begins to creep into the room, and coalesces and solidifies into a giant multi tentacled creature.

The ground begins to shake, knocking Shining Brow down the muddy slide. A noise pings in the minds of the group, as if a door opened. A voice rings out,

“Leave this place, for it is my domain. I will not tolerate incursions into my holdings. If you depart now, I shall let you take the river to the south and further into the mountain. If you stay, you shall be destroyed.”

The party takes stock of the situation, and Alabaster creates a duplicate of himself behind the creature.  Trusting the party’s earlier advice, he casts a curse through the duplicate. The creature shatters and disappears.  The scream pierces minds again, but it also seems to emanate from one of the tunnels to the east, accompanied by higher pitched shrieks. Alabaster quickly cast’s invisiblity upon himself, and his duplicate shouts a rallying cry, “All together now! This way!” He attempts to lead the party towards the east tunnel. Tygorr navigates the muddy slope and joins the group at the bottom of the rise, while Shazuu and Shining Brow move out of the muddy ground, and head towards the shrieks to the east.

Three crustacean-like monsters emerge from the darkness, they stand 10-feet tall to the shoulder, and tenticles dripping with icor spill from their mouths.  Mantis hears sounds from the tunnel leading from the riverside, and alerts the party.The party attacks, but one of the lobstrosities quickly grabs Shining Brow, poisoning and paralyzing him with its tentacles. The creature drags the tabaxi back through the caves, it’s fellows guarding it’s retreat.

Troglodytes begin to pour down the slope behind the party, but thinking quickly, Tygorr releases a fireball, destroying them utterly. The fire pours out of the narrow tunnel, singeing him, but he’s mostly unharmed. Shazuu calls upon his arcane knowlege, and takes a misty step, appearing next to the creature that captured Shining Brow. He smites the lobstrosity, which shatters its chitinous shell, kills the beast, and frees Shining Brow. Shining Brow shakes off the paralysis and keeps himself from drowning.  

The party decides that it’s best bet is to escape the mist creature, and begins to flee towards the sludge filled river. The mist starts to return, and the creature reappears.  It takes control of Tang Wu, commanding him to attack his companions. Mantis and Shining Brow begin to move downriver, but Tang Wu attacks Alabaster.  The group returns to assist Alabaster.

The party dissolves into chaos. Tygorr magically paralyzes Tang Wu with his wand. Shazuu grabs the frozen Tang Wu and begins to flee.  The mist reappears, and Alabaster’s powers seem to be ineffective. The creature hovers in place. Shining Brow abruptly tries to convince the party to leave the monk and flee downriver.  The party retreats as the creature hovers over the river, menacingly. Shining Brow incats a spell, and levitates Shazuu and Tang Wu to the ceiling. “Drop the Monk! He is lost!” he shouts to Shazuu. Mantis realizes that the current picks up, making his waterwalk ability potentially ineffective. 

Shazuu drops Tang Wu into the river, and Shining Brow abruptly ends the levitation spell. Shazuu falls to the river. Shining Brow repeats the proceedure, and levitates Tang Wu into the air. Tang Wu finally shakes off Tygorr’s spell of paralysis, but he cannot escape the levitation. Instead, he attacks from range, and throws a dart into Shazuu. Tygorr, having enough of this business, incants a complicated spell and Tang Wu dissapears with a *POP*, banished to another dimension.

There, the monk finds himself in a green, verdant space. Tang Wu comes to his sense immediately. He is convinced he has reached enlightenment, and has ascended to a higher state of being. This lasts for only a few seconds, as Tygorr’s spell elapses, returning the monk to the dirt and stench of the cave, no longer enchanted by the misty beast. Shining Brow tries to tell Tang Wu he must stay, or every that matters is doomed.  

The group again begins to retreat, and Alabaster uses the power of Tymora to control the water, creating a path down river.  The group moves quickly, but the spell eventually fails, and the watery path begin to collapse. Alabaster casts waterwalk on the party, and the group bobs to the surface.  The group begins to slide down the surface of the rapids until the rushing water slows. They head forward, for a time, slipping and sliding on the water, and below it. Bobbing like corks in the rapids. A gleam of natural light appears, and the river tunnel opens into a sea. Two pillars divide the river from this new body of water.  The cavern walls seem to stretch on to the horizon, beyond their vision, up into a blue sky.

Session 37: Monsters, Please Form a Line to the Right

The party continues to explore the fourth level of Undermountain, the ‘The Twisted Caverns’, and encounter some strangely behaving denizens of the waterlogged, rot-ridden caves. 

Having escaped the falling, living stalactites, the party moves into a cave where two strange creatures guard a wall of multi-colored crystals.  The monsters each have three arms and three legs, and a mouth full of teeth. The creatures turn to attack, but the party retaliates. They drive the creatures back, but instead of running, the creatures seem to merge into the rocky ground.  Some of the group gather some of the broken crystals, and move on before the creatures come back. The party moves forward through the tunnels, and arrive at a river. The water is oily and brackish. Mantis walks across the water to scout, and the party follows through the waist high river.

The tunnels continue to a large cave filled with moss, fungus, and mushrooms.  A loud clacking sound echoes from a particular mushroom patch near the stone wall.  Shining Brow sends his familiar forward to investigate. His link with the cat is severed as a large spike sends the familiar back to its home plane.  The party decides to sneak around the far side of the room. As they move forward, Tang Wu decides to eat one of the blue mushroom caps, which is filled with dust, but it has no effect on him.

The group advances into a damp cave.  Water seeps down the walls, forming a small pool.  A pile of humanoid skulls and bones sits next to the pool.  As Mantis approaches the pile, a huge beast falls from the ceiling and attacks Mantis with a razor sharp beak and curved talons.  Tang Wu is knocked into the pile of bones, but Shining Brow dispatches the creature with a vengeance. The group pulls Tang Wu out of the bones, and Mantis begins to search the pile, discovering that it is actually a shallow pit.  He finds nothing of value, but when he pulls his hands free, he sees some sort of worm or grubs burrowing into his flesh. Although the party offers to amputate the limb, Mantis decides to burn his arm to destroy the grubs.

After healing, Mantis leads the group south to a small room.  A terrible stench emanates from the troglodytes that leap forward to attack.  Shazuu makes short work of the beasts, but more issue forth from the tunnel ahead.  Shazuu and Tang Wu battle through the mass of monsters, setting up at a choke point.  More troglodytes continue to force their way through the tunnels, but Shazuu and Tang Wu methodically take down each foe that lines up, with magical support from the rest of the group.  As the lengthy battle continues, Shining Brow notices that these creatures have open untended wounds. When the fight ends, the corridors and caves look like a charnel house. Corpses of the troglodytes are piled everywhere.  Suddenly, the ground starts to tremble, the water bubbles on the floor, and an unintelligible shriek fills the minds of each member of the group…

Session 36: Fuck Skullport

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’, and eventually ends up in Skullport.

The party finds it’s bearings on the shore of the great Sargauth River… a slow moving, brackish body of water, it’s more an over-sized creek than an actual river. While the rest of the group argues, Mantis scouts the passageway across the way, using his ring of water walking. There, he finds a pebbly beach who’s stones loudly crackle as weight is put upon them. He swiftly returns to the party, who’s decided to make their way down river to Skullport where they can rest, regroup, and re-provision.

The party finds that the water near the cave wall is only a few feet deep, so they wade down-river, with Mantis scouting ahead. After a short while, they find another open ‘beach’ like area, and within there are a few hallways, and some makeshift rafts. They decide not to explore, but to steal the rafts to make their down river trek easier.

They push the rafts into the water, and split the group among them. The current takes the two boats down river, if not very swiftly. They float for a while, and eventually turn a corner that opens up into a small bay. On one side, a black gondola rests near another beach. At the tiller, a large figure stands, dressed in black. A tense moment passes, as Shazuu believes the figure to be a drow. The group maneuvers the rafts nearer, ready to attack, until at the last moment they see that it’s not a drow, but instead a skeleton dressed in a black, hooded robe.

Mantis investigates, and as he draws near, the figure moves. “Pay me some coin, and ride my boat!” it shouts, in a now-familiar voice. The party considers, and eventually agrees. They pay the fare, and are taken to Skullport.

The ride is uneventful, and the party arrives at the Skullport docks some time later. They engage the services of a guide, and make their way to the Burning Troll Inn. They get rooms for the night, have some conversations with the other patrons, and rest. 

In the morning, several of them head to the Guts & Garters, as instructed by Durnan. Mantis asks the proprietor, Quietude, about the money that she ows Durnan, and the woman chuckles. Apparently, it’s some sort of code, for she offers Mantis services… provisions, porters, and passage to the surface, if need be. Mantis declines, and the party leaves Skullport behind them, taking Steamfall pass to Northeast, and eventually finding passage down.

The passage winds its way downward, and the air becomes warmer and more humid. The passage opens up into a large chamber, dotted with fungus of all types. Mossy paths run between patches of stout trillimac and a forest of towering zurkhwood whose caps scrape the 40-foot-high ceiling. Investigating the many passages exiting the chamber, the find an ettin to the north, harvesting fungus, and talking to itself. Instead of disturbing the creature, the group moves to the Southeast. Gardens of barrelstalk, bluecap, timmask, and trillimac fill the cavern. Between the garden patches meander paths that lead to and from the various exits. Choosing the exit to the west, the party is surprised as massive stalactites fall from the ceiling, piercing them as they pass! They rush forward, disengage themselves from the dangerous passage and move on.


Session 35: Curses!

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’.

The party rests for a short while, after the big fight with the drow torturers. Mantis and Shining Brow take a look at some of the treasure that they’ve found, and Shazuu and Tang slip away, back to the prison to ‘take care’ of the locked up drow males. They return a short while later, just as the spellcasters have finished examining the treasures.

After considering their options, the group takes a vote… do they continue on to the south, through the windy caverns, or do they head back north and deal with more Drow. Shazuu strongly advocates for more drow killing and the group decides to backtrack and check the large double doors that they crept past on their way in. 

Once there, Mantis and Shining Brow examine the door, and hear loud choruses of gutteral deep-speech emanating from beyond. A quick glance reveals an immense chamber strewn with spiderwebs. The room is so large that even their enhanced vision can’t see it in it’s entirety, but it has the look of a temple. Alabaster translates some of the drow speech, and it becomes obvious that some sort of ritual is taking place in the room beyond. 

Alabaster is concerned that his former adventuring party may be imprisoned in the room. He professes himself to be a master of stealth, and volunteers to scout the area. He casts a spell of invisibility on himself, and sneaks into the room on magically silent feet. Unfortunately, he grabs the door handle behind him and slams the door with a loud BANG. The drow inside must have been alerted, the party decides, so they take up defensive posture and wait. 

Alabaster, seemingly unaware, scouts the room. It’s immense, and the far end is setup as some sort of alter. A drow priestess stands over a captive, chanting. several other drow, and gigantic spiders, flank her as she chants, and guides hundreds of tiny spiders into the captives mouth and nose. The walls are covered in spiderwebs, and cocoons… many of them burst open from the inside, revealing mangles humanoid corpses. The drow are on alert. They scan the room while the priestess finishes her ritual. Alabaster continues forward, looking for his companions, confident in his abilities.

The drow scan the room, and eventually, examine the door. After one of them pulls it open, the fight is joined! A furious battle between the party, the drow, and the spiders erupts. Eventually, the party is victorious. After searching the now-silent room, Alabaster finds his companion in one of the burst cocoons, a victim of the spiders.

The fight was more than the party had thought that they would face, and their hobgoblin companion pantomimes that there are even more drow to the north. With this news, the part reconsiders, and heads back south to the windy caverns. Mantis takes the lead, and they head off into the web-choked passage. The halls are extremely loud, filled with a humming and shrieking of wind moving through the many side passages. After several turns and twists, they find themselves in a large cavern with a strange half-drow / half-spider prowling back and forth. The creature seems near-mad, raving at the walls, covering his ears at the noise, and shouting in our in the drow’s guttural language. Alabaster comes forward and translates his words:” Stop! Make it stop!” This gives him an idea…. He casts silence on the room, and the drow looks stunned. And he mostly ignores the group as they move through the room.

Alabaster decides to communicate, inviting the now docile creature with them. Some telepathic back and forth reveals that the creature cannot leave, for one he can’t fit through the door, and for the other he claims to be cursed. Alabaster polymorphs the drider into a mouse, gathers him up, and puts him into a pocket. 

The party contiues on to the South, and eventually comes upon a beach-like exit, overlooking a brackish slow-moving river– The Sargauth River, which is known to flow through Undermountain. As the party takes stock of their surroundings, Alabaster places the mouse on the ground, casts ‘remove curse’ upon it, then drops the polymorph spell. Unfortunately, the drider is unchanged physically. His ‘curse’ of madness, however, has been lifted and he attacks the group! The party is exhausted, but they manage to defeat him. The river heads east and west, and they sit to discuss which way to go.

Session 34: A New Challenger Approaches

The party continues to explore the third level of Undermountain, the ‘The Sargauth Level’.

The group pauses to rest and identify some new treasures, before setting out once again.  They head north and find a rotting human corpse stripped of its gear. The party moves back to the site of the last drow battle.  Shining Brow opens the door to find a room filled with spider webs. Veins of gold and silver line the walls. Mantis finds a door that leads to a new hallway.

“The Holding Cells”

The hallway is lined on one side with cells, and opens to a larger room ahead.  One of the cells contains a humanoid. Mantis questions the prisoner, and learns his name is Alabaster Aegeis, an elven cleric.  After a brief discussion, the group agrees to free the elf, as they hear guttural voices. The party is attacked by a pack of grey skinned, thickly muscled bipeds. Shazuu leads the combat around the corner, and Alabaster, without his equipment tries to help without his equipment.  The party cleans up the last of the grimlocks, and finds more cells. 

The prisoners include three drow, a hobgoblin, a human, and a dead creature they identify as a grick. Shazuu begins to question the drow, killing one in the process. Mantis frees a human, but is grabbed by a panicked hobgoblin as he passes a cell.  Mantis then makes the same offer as he did to the human, asking for money for release from the cell. The group allows the human, named Geldax, to join the party.

“Prisoner Supply and Storage”

Past the holding cells, the group find space with several wooden tables.  Next to the table is a chest containing more sacks. Alabaster Aegeis is delighted to find his equipment in one of the bags, but is less happy when Mantis starts rifling through his stuff. As Alabaster re-equips, the group gives Geldax his weapons, and place the remaining sacks in the bag of holding.   They pass through another short hall to a second supply chamber. This contains a plain table, but the walls are covered with tools with a more sinister purpose. The torture instruments are cleaner, and in good shape. Shazuu hears the screams of voices in pain emanating from the next room, and charges through the door.

“Drow Torture Enjoyment Center”

Four drow females lounge in this opulent chamber, enjoying the screams coming from four other doors in the room.  Tang Wu once again charges in as more drow flood in from the other doors. Shazuu gets poisoned, and the fight begins to go poorly.  The drow drop darkness spells on the entire area. Mantis manages to find Shazuu and get rid of the poison. Shazuu’ s tiefling vision can see through magical darkness and begins to lay waste to his hated foe.  As the darkness spells begin to fade, the rest of the party finishes what Tang Wu began. Shazuu advances slightly further to scout, but returns to loot the drow. The group finds quite a few interesting items. (See the party treasure sheet).

Session 33: Doors and Locks and Drow

The party continues to explore the second level of Undermountain, the ‘Arcane Chambers’.

Tang Wu takes the lead, as the passages wind through Undermountain.  Ahead of the group, he sets off a trap, and a massive boulder painted like an eyeball begins to roll towards him.  He drops the leash for his goat, and begins to sprint towards the party to warn them. The eyeball continues towards the party, rolling over Mantis and wounding him.  The rest of the party manages to escape major injuries, but the goat is crushed flat. The boulder stops at a wall, allowing the party to flee. After some healing, Mantis takes the lead.  

The group moves to a room past where the boulder trap was set.  Mantis finds strange tables with indentations shaped like a humanoid body.  They move forward without learning the strange purpose of the tables, and enter a new room.  There is a desk made from a sarcophagus and a charred chair. The west wall is covered with niches, which are filled with books.  Mantis investigates. The north wall has a set of urns on shelves. Shining Brow investigates, and breaks two. They are filled with ashes, but he finds a pouch in good condition filled with dust.

The party finds the way forward blocked by a massive metal grate, sealed with heavy chains and multiple locks.  Shining Brow begins to work on opening them, but pauses when one of the locks speaks the words, “This section is closed”.  He continues, avoiding a trap, only to be confounded by a solid metal lock with no discernable mechanism. When he moves on to the next lock, he is struck by magical fear, and flees the gate.  Tang Wu pursues him. Mantis and Shazuu try to open the grate, but are unsuccessful. The party re-groups, and decides to go back to an earlier door. They pass through the hall of tentacles again, and move to a new, wide chamber with vaulted ceilings, and five dragon skeletons, set up like museum exhibits.  Unable to find the reason for this display, the group forges ahead, moving down a flight of stairs to a shrine. 

An altar stands in the center, with a mummified corpse.  The walls are covered in dwarven sculptures, and a cloak sits on top of the corpse.  When Tang Wu examines the cloak, it comes to life and begins to entangle and strangle him.  The party helps him fight back, but does as much harm to him as to the cloak. The cloak splits into three entities, attacking the party, but the group takes them down.  They find a pint sized clay flask with a script wrapped around it and some vintage coins. Finding nothing else of value, they go back through the hall of tentacles, and descend a stairway to the third level.

The stairs end at a T-intersection.  One of the passages leads to a large room with rows of shelf like niches, making for aisles of open tombs.  Many are filled with old dwarven corpses. Mantis reads through some names, and Shining Brow finds some ceramic beads, but move along when they don’t find anything interesting.  As Shazuu leads them down a hall, the sound of his armor and equipment seem to alert four humanoid creatures, who charge and attack. Melee is joined, and the party wins easily, but hear the howling of more of these Quaggoth creatures.  As part of the party retreats to the aisles of tombs, a sinister figure steps from the shadows. He casts a spell, and black tentacles fill the passageway, trapping Shazuu and Tang Wu. As more quaggoths appear, Shazuu breaks free and charges the humanoid figure, who he now recognizes as a drow mage.  The party joins the combat. Suddenly, large spiders seem to phase into existence. The black tentacles disappear when Shazuu slays the mage, and the party is freed up to defeat the spiders and quaggoth. Shazuu retrieves a quarterstaff, spell pouch, and some coin from his vanquished foe.

Session 32: The Treasure We Found Along the Way Was Friendship

The party continues to explore the second level of Undermountain, the ‘Arcane Chambers’.

After the battle, Mantis spots a secret door, and discovers a room with an unadorned archway.  The floor under the arch has an orange sparkle to it. Tang Wu decides it is a magical gate, and walks through it, only to run into the stone door under the arch. Shazuu touches an iron pry-bar to the arch, and the mystical gate opens. Tang Wu steps through, and the archway closes behind him.  Tang Wu finds himself in a large room with two doors and a matching archway archway. The arch is adorned with a carving of a creature like an armadillo with two long feather-like tusks. The gateway abruptly disappears, and Tang Wu hears a woman’s voice in his head.  The voice says, “You are not ready yet.” The gate spirals open, and Tang Wu is pulled back through it by some invisible force!

Backtracking once again, Mantis leads the group into a long, wide hallway.  Two ballistas are set up at the far end of the hall. As Mantis investigates a door on the side of the hallway, Shining Brow bolts towards the ballista.  The ballista, with no visible operators, open fire on the tabaxi. He turns and runs back to the party, who rally to attack the constructs. Shazuu and Tygorr finally destroy them.

Shazuu opens a door with his boot, and the group enters a 30 x30 room.  In the center is a three foot tall pillar, with spigots on each side, fed by copper piping.  The walls are covered with frescos of dwarves in various scenes of work, sleep, and drinking.  Two dwarves hold copper mugs. Taking one of the mugs, Shazuu opens a tap, pours a mug of ale, and quaffs it. The smell of baking bread comes from the next room.  Shazuu investigates and hears noises…clacking footsteps. The new room is filled with four huge vats made of wood, copper, and stone. One of the back vats smells of something rotten.  As Shazuu approaches, an undead beholder rises from the vat. The party rushes in to join the fight. Tygorr finishes the creature with a blast of radiant energy. With no treasure evident, Mantis takes an empty barrel, and attempts to fill it from the spigots in the previous chamber, but chooses poorly, opening a different spout and releasing green slime, which begins to fill part of the room. Mantis flees the room with the party, slamming the door behind him.

The group moves on.  Beyond a new door is a passage with a steep grade.  Still walking in the lead, Mantis falls in a pit trap, forcing the group to open the trap door and free him.  Near the end of the passage are two more secret doors. They choose one, and it conceals a storage room containing a pyramid of beer barrels.  Finding nothing else of value, they return to the brewing rooms. As they pass through, a green slime falls from the ceiling, but misses the group.  The green mass of slime advances menacingly, but is so slow that the group saunters past it and continues on their way. After a bit more wandering, they discover a staircase leading down.

At the bottom of the stairs, a door opens into a long hallway.  A high slanted roof is lined with red tinted windows. More frescos of dwarves line the walls, and two massive dwarven statues stand on either side of a door at the end of the hall.  On closer inspection, many of the dwarven frescos have been replaced with stone tentacles, and as the group advances, the tentacles begin to writhe. Tang Wu finds a clear path down the middle of the hall, just out of the reach of the tentacles.  He leads them to a door in a side hall, which opens to a room featuring carved pillars, and a strange, metallic, box like creature. Tang Wu attacks, and the group destroys the creature, which disintegrates when beaten. 

The pillars in the room feature four angelic beings.  All four seem to be looking at a spot in the center of the room.  The group begins to search the passages around this room, and find more statues, including a lizard man, a mind flayer, the feathered armadillo they saw earlier, a nothic, troglodytes, an orc, a massive bear, several goats, and a wererat.  After discussion, they drag the nothic statue back to the angelic statues and place it in the middle. Nothing happens until someone notices an elvish phrase “Powered by elven magic…” When repeated out loud, beams shoot from the angels’ eyes, and it is no longer a statue.  Shazuu immediately uses his power to dominate the creature, and make it his servant. He promptly names it Crowley. Tang Wu repeats the process with a goat, and ties it to a rope.

Shining Brow has already moved ahead, and finds a cavern full of fog, and what look to be sarcophagi. Across the foggy room are two huge owlbears.  Dragging the goat and nothic behind, the group assaults the owlbears, and finish them quickly. Investigating the sarcophagus, Shining Brow finds a pot, which turns out to be a pot of awakening, to create awakened plants.  Mantis finds another secret door, leading to a secret crypt. Inside is a coffin carved with a handsome elf holding a cat. The nothic perishes at Shazuu’s hand.

Next time:

  • The group continues their search for magical items.
  • Durnan mentioned the “Arcane Chambers”, “The Willowood”, and “Selune’s Tears” in his letter
  • Return to the Mirror of Wands when strong enough (Lvl 11)
  • Return to the map room and figure out how to activate it

Session 31: Walk Around in Circles

The party continues to explore the first level of Undermountain, the ‘Dungeon Level’.

The party rests in the tiny hut, and Tygorr keeps watch. After what must be a few hours, the door to the large room opens, and in tromps an old man with long, bedraggled white hear, wearing a robe covered in blinking eyes. The old man drags a hapless Tang Wu along, now apparently freed from the cursed sword.  The wizard sees the magical dome covering the party, and begins banging on the side of it, demanding to speak with it’s occupents. Shining Brow goes out to talk. The wizard releases Tang Wu, and claims to be looking for a woman named… Hysteria? His words are fast, and hard to understand. The wizard asks for a fee to replace ‘his janitor’, the gelatinous cube, and disappears, leaving behind a lead grey box. Inside the box, the party finds a note that says…

Dear Halaster,

Please replace the wand of wishes.

                             Love, Halaster

The box seems to be designed to hold wands.  Mantis places it in the bag of holding.

Tygorr and Tang Wu wake the rest of the party, and investe their surroundings. The doors are all unlocked, except for one, which is stuck.  It seems to have swollen in it’s frame, until it became stuck. After three failed attempts to open the door, Mantis, Tygorr, and Tang use a rope to pull it open, and are injured by a blast of water that erupts from the doorway.  The room beyond it filled with old furniture and books, all waterlogged and ruined. Mantis finds a 15 inch wand of unknown power.

The party decides to leave the room through a different door. The passage beyond splits left and right. One direction leads into darkness, but one seems lit, and voices can be heard in the distance.  Shining Brow scouts in the direction of  the lit rooms. He spies two rooms that are occupied. One contains a group of bugbears sleeping on pallets. A second room nearby has a group of humans eating hardtack, speaking in a language he cannot understand. After returning to the group, they decide as a committee to move along.  The group spends some time wandering the dark halls, finding themselves walking around in circles.

The group begins to see frescos painted on the walls.  The paintings seem to tell the story of a wizards failing spectacularly. In on, theres’s a group of them turning into a cursed beast called a Nothic.  Shazuu, interested by this, takes the lead. The group follows this hallway which leads to a well lit room. Inside, the har the sound of a harp. From the doorway, they see a woman lounging within, being fed grapes by an invisible creature. Her weapons are sitting on the table in front of her. The remainder of the room is set up like a lounge, lined with bookcases. A painting of a wizard hangs on the wall. When they enter, the party sees she has two holy symbols, one of Waukeen, and one of Shar.

She shouts at Mantis to leave, and when he refuses, she commands her ‘servants’ to attack! Invisible creatures attack the party, but they dispatch the enemy quickly.  She seems taken aback, and her attitude changes quickly. She introduces herself as Midna, a cleric. Mantis speaks with her, asking for some of her food. She offers food, but the conversation goes downhill, and she quickly tires of the party, and asks us to leave.  

The group moves away from the room, and reconvenes to discuss this strange woman seemingly vacationing in a dungeon.  She made both Shazuu and Tang uncomfortable. This leads to a discussion, but ultimately, the group decides to move back to the room full of humans and try to negotiate with them.  Mantis leads the way, and when he enters, sees a strange insect like creature who appears to be their leader. This leader asks Mantis to retrieve an item in exchange for a map of this complex.  Mantis notices they bear the symbol of the Xanathar. The bug/man says that a drow is working with the wererats elsewhere in the dungeon, and it possesses a map, along with a key. The offer for this job is 50 gold, so the party declines, and moves on. 

They head back in the direction that they came from, and walk down several hallways. They find one hall blocked by an unmovable grate and a passageway trapped with pressure plates on the floor. From the darkness beyond, Xanathar thugs yell insults at the party. The group heads back south, and follow more twisting passages.  The group encounters a door with a combination lock that will not open, but they manage to avoid a rather nasty energy-beam trap built into the lock. 

Moving on again, Mantis leads the party further south. He spots a large chamber ahead, and as he looks up to the high ceiling, sees a greying beholder floating above.  Mantis hears sounds of battle from a passageway across the room. Tygorr steps forward, and uses his wand to cast a hold spell on the beholder.  Shazuu rushes across to the next room, and joins the battle, while Shining Brow begins to work on a door in the room with the beholder.

Shazuu enters the next room and sees a huge woman standing in a circle.  She is surrounded by bugbears and thugs who are trying to knock her down. Seeing this as a training exercise, Shazuu jumps into the circle and strikes the woman. This precipitates a combat, in which the party efficiently corrals and eliminates their foes.  As they search the room, Tang Wu shoots the beholder in the next room. A quick viscous battle follows, ending when Shazuu drags the beast to the ground and shreds it. The beholder seems to have been a zombie of some sort. Searching the room, Mantis finds a secret door.

Next time:

  • The group continues their search for magical items.
  • Durnan mentioned the “Arcane Chambers”, “The Willowood”, and “Selune’s Tears” in his letter
  • Return to the Mirror of Wands when strong enough (Lvl 11)
  • Return to the map room and figure out how to activate it

Session 30: The Biggest Cube of Jello in Minnesota

The party continues to explore the first level of Undermountain, the ‘Dungeon Level’.

The party decides to backtrack.  Mantis takes the lead, and the group arrives in a chamber with a pit in the center and a huge map of Undermountain on the wall.  The map is a cross section, and seems to show 23 levels. There are a few notes on the map. The 3rd level is labeled with a picture of a flaming skull, the 16th with a comet, and the 23rd with a tower.  Mantis discovers that the pictures are buttons. When pressed, a loud voice booms out instructions… all of them seem to indicate that this map can function as a travel gate, but is disabled from this end.  Possible destinations include Skullport, Stardock on level 16, and Halaster’s Tower on level 23.

The group examines the pit, only to discover a human trapped at the bottom. He claims to be named Halath Gark, a servant of Waukeen, and that he was left for dead by his previous company.  The party grudgingly decides to free him, and allow Gark to travel with the group. To show his willingness to help, Gark opens a secret door in the southern wall, and tells the group this is where his companions fled.

The party moves into the new tunnel, which is constructed of older stonework than the previous rooms.  Mantis finds yet another secret door, which leads to new chambers and a stairway leading down. After hearing goblins in the chambers ahead, the group decides to descend to the second level.  

The stairs go down quite a distance, and end in a passage leading to a room full of trash. Dwarven statues have been defaced and replaced with crude images of goblins. Hammering noises come from the halls to the north.  Mantis scouts ahead and discovers a huge hall filled with tents set up among the pillars that support the ceiling. The party sneaks past several groups of goblins, some working to build a stage of sorts.  The party emerges from the tunnels around the hall, and are met by goblin guards. With Mantis’s goblin friend Little Buddy translating, the group learns that this is a marketplace. The guards warn not to cause trouble. 

Mantis sneaks into a side chamber, where he finds a very attractive human man, lounging on cushions surrounded by goblins and bugbears.  A naked dwarf is chained in the center of the wall, beaten and wounded. Mantis talks to the man, who is called “Yek the Tall”, and after a short conversation, is told to leave Yek alone.  One of the goblins draws Shining Brow aside, and asks for help. Apparently, Yek is actually a goblin wearing a cursed crown. The goblin promises free passage through their lair if the group will help get the crown away from Yek. Shining Brow asks for the dwarf to be freed, and for weapons for their companion.  The goblin agrees. Shining Brow gathers the party, and after discussion, they begin to plan a fast assault. The goblin tells his brethren in the room to let the party work without interference, and the group sets to work.

Shining Brow goes invisible, sneaking into the chamber.  Tygorr puts the bugbears into magical sleep, and Shining Brow uses mage hand to steal the crown.  Yek turns back into a goblin, as the rest start to cheer. Mantis and Shining Brow attempt to free the dwarf.  As soon as he is released, the dwarf furiously charges his captors, and Mantis and Shining brow are forced to restrain him.  At that moment, Gark enters the chamber, sees the restrained dwarf, and stabs him to death. Apparently the dwarf was a former party member. After Shining Brow parades the crown around the market, the group places the magic item in their bag.  The group decides to part ways with Gark, who they do not trust.  

The party moves forward, passing through a hallway covered in moving dwarven frescos.  A side hall contains unsettling carvings, with an altar in the center. On the top is a pile of melted gold, and the altar itself is covered in abyssal script.  Shazuu translates. “A gift of flesh willingly given can feed our eternal hunger.” Mantis sends Little Buddy to grab the gold, which reveals itself to be an ochre jelly.  Mantis splits it with a slash of his sword, and Tygorr and Shazuu blast it with magic. The ochre jelly smashes Little Buddy, who perishes and returns to the ether from which he came.  Mantis finishes the ochre jelly.

Moving on without their goblin companion, the group finds a large room.  Floating in the middle of the room is a silver skull. As the party looks into the room, Shining Brow proposes a bet as to who can score the killing blow on the skull.  No one seems willing to make the bet, so Shining Brow places a 5 platinum bounty on the skull. Shazuu charges in, only to find himself caught in some kind of clear substance.  Mantis tries to close the door, as the party realizes the entire chamber is filled with the largest gelatinous cube they have ever seen. The beasat is easily 30 feet long and wide.   Shazuu manages to free himself. The party unleashes an onslaught of magics, and the cube finally explodes inside of Mantis’s fireball. The skull falls to the ground, and the silvery sheen shatters as it hits the ground.  Exhausted, the group moves ahead to a safer location and sets up a Tiny Hut spell to camp and rest.

Next time:

  • Wu has returned to the surface (PJ’s out for two weeks).
  • The group continues their search for magical items.
  • Durnan mentioned the “Arcane Chambers”, “The Willowood”, and “Selune’s Tears” in his letter
  • Return to the Mirror of Wands when strong enough (Lvl 11)
  • Return to the map room and figure out how to activate it

Session 29: Goblins, Friend and Foe

The party continues to explore the first level of Undermountain, the ‘Dungeon Level’.

As Tang Wu retreats to the city above to rid himself of the cursed blade, the party prepares to move out.  They decide to leave through the south door, and avoid the passage marked “Certain Death”. This route takes them to a  broken, headless statue of a humanoid woman, that stands in front of a dirt tunnel that has been dug into the wall of the dungeon.  SEarching the area, Shining Brow finds a stone serpentine head which seems to be part of the statue, but nothing else of interest. The group identifies it as a statue of a yuan-ti and, cautious of the snake people, they decide not to continue down the dirt tunnel.  Instead, they continue through the room and into a long hall, lined with magical, floating candles. This, obviously, is the ‘Hall of a Hundred Candles’, an oft spoken of location on the Dungeon Level.

Along the hall, they find a small, square room which seems to cancel out all magical effects. On the floor is a piece of parchment. After fishing it out, Mantis reads the single rune on the sheet, and a goblin appears from nowhere, calling him “Boss”.  The goblin behaves rudely to the rest of the group, who give it several names. The goblin, however, seems dedicated to Mantis, and he names it “Little Buddy”.  

Mantis begins to scout ahead, but is confronted with a shimmering field covering the entire passage. The ‘field’ moves forward, and he quickly discovers that it is a gelatinous cube. The cube advances, and he immediately flees, yelling for the party to do likewise.  The group retreats, and Shining Brow tries to leave an oil trap behind them. As they flee, they also discovers that all of the doors have shut and locked behind them. Shazuu and Tygorr pick the gelatinous cube apart with their magic.  Eventually, it falls apart, leaving behind some small coins.

The group continues exploring, but several passages end in rock falls or dead ends. One of the dead ends terminates in a tall oval mirror, with carvings of wizards on either side. Mantis casts a spell which reveals the mirror can be activated by a wand held by an individual of sufficient power.  Unable to move forward, the group goes back to the north.

They find another mystery as they move north.  In an alcove not far from the hall, they discover a bas relief of a fat man playing a harp, with the words “Gaze on me with a bronze visage, and secrets I shall reveal.” Unable to solve the puzzle, the group moves on, although Shazuu begins to ask everyone he meets about a “bronze visage”. 

Shining Brow scouts ahead and finds two bugbears on guard.  Shazuu decides to immediately charge them, but the bugbears flee down a nearby hallway.  The party pursues, and blunders headlong into a room full of goblins. Mantis recognizes he can gain an advantage by sneaking around a back path, and loops around while the party begins to fight for their lives.  Shazuu destroys many goblins, but bugbear and goblin reinforcements quickly arrive. Mantis finally flanks them from behind, and the party finishes their foes. They don’t uncover any treasure, but they do find a black obelisk, surrounded by bones, dried flowers, and other offerings from the goblins.  Exhausted from their efforts, the party decides to rest in a tiny hut created by Mantis.

During their rest, the watch spots something outside the hut, but is unable to identify it.  After their rest, the group finds a secret door near their resting spot. Mantis scouts ahead, and rapidly returns after being spotted by a floating eyeball.  Tygorr recognizes it as some sort of arcane eye, or scrying spell. The group realizes that the mad mage Halaster may be watching them.

They move forward into a strangely shaped room. Shazuu is attacked by an invisible force… something like a whirlwind, which also hurls Mantis at his Little Buddy.  The group fights back, and quickly defeats the air elemental.

The party resumes their search for magical items.  The zigzag hallway leads to a corpse with ruined leather armor and a longbow. A secret door leads to a hallway full of dwarven statues.  Mantis meets a cornered were-rat, calms her, and unlocks a door blocking her passage. In turn, she warns of magical traps in a room ahead.  After she flees, the party reaches the door for the room she had mentioned. Peeking inside, the group sees a large were-rat lounging on a throne, and hears squeaks from either side of the room.  While the party argues about entering, Tygorr turns invisible and confirms the room is full of only danger, and sneaks out again.

The group backtracks to doors they had passed earlier.  They investigate a set of doors, both of which lead to rooms that may have once been barracks.  Stacked beds line the walls. In one of the rooms, Shining Brow finds a single skeleton laying on the bed.  Shining Brow casts detect magic, revealing a magic quarterstaff. After securing their first magical item, they follow the passages up a flight of stairs through a large room, into what appears to be a bath chamber.  The party turns some handles, and water pours out of dwarven sculptures.


Next time:

  • Wu has returned to the surface (PJ’s out for two weeks).
  • The group continues their search for magical items.
  • Durnan mentioned the “Arcane Chambers”, “The Willowood”, and “Selune’s Tears” in his letter
  • Return to the Mirror of Wands when strong enough (Lvl 11)